Articles by Plebity

Redline, a voice in the wilderness for leftists who believe in free speech

Redline, a voice in the wilderness for leftists who believe in free speech

Redline - blog collective

In these times, leftists who espouse free speech are like wanderers in the wilderness. The political sands may be swirling so intensely that they are unable to see clearly, but the desert is actually filled with like-minded wanderers, each mistakenly thinking they are alone.

That is why it is all the more important to discover and support a site like Redline. Redline is a blog collective in New Zealand that combines original content with a carefully chosen selection of re-posted articles.

The content on Redline reinforces a consistent editorial line centered on class, worker rights and feminism, grounded in the materialism of the traditional left and on the principle of free speech.

Raquel Rosario Sánchez, a feminist writer, campaigner and researcher, is the most recent recipient of the Plebity Free Speech Fund.

Raquel Rosario Sánchez, a feminist writer, campaigner and researcher, is the most recent recipient of the Plebity Free Speech Fund.


Raquel Rosario SanchezWe are proud to support Raquel with a grant from the Free Speech Fund, and we are always accepting applications from anyone who needs material support after being punished for their speech or subject to a hostile work environment due to their speech or beliefs.

Plebity Interviewed by The Sidebar

Plebity Interviewed by The Sidebar


The SidebarThis week, Mark White of Plebity had the chance to meet with Scott Costen, Nova Scotia based journalist at The Sidebar to discuss our Free Speech Fund and the political vision behind Plebity. The Sidebar is a progressive, independent media platform that is part of a growing ecosystem of genuinely progressive, independent platforms which reject the conformity of much of what passes for current leftist discourse. We hope everyone will read the article and check out The Sidebar.

Justice for Marguerite

Justice for Marguerite


Marguerite Stern - National Geographic Magazine

The Plebity Free Speech Fund has awarded an initial grant of $1300 for Marguerite Stern, a French feminist who has been an activist in the trenches for many years. This will be our first fundraising campaign.

Members of our Patreon site reviewed the details of Marguerite's story and voted to move forward to award the grant to Marguerite, who after more than a decade of feminist activism is out of work and in need of a new living space.

In 2019 Marguerite began a campaign of posters put up in the streets to publicize the issue of femicide in France. The campaign spread to cities throughout the country and she has become a familiar name and face in France. She was just featured in the French version of National Geographic Magazine to illustrate the word justice - see the image above.

Most recently, Marguerite has been severely targeted and harassed by gender identity ideologues for her woman centered activism.